Architecture Education Association [MimED] took part in the 2nd RMB (Re-use of Modernist Buildings) Conference with the theme of "Teaching Through Design" held in Coimbra, Portugal between 6 - 7 April 2018 by presenting their work and projects from the MimED2017 16th Student Awards.
Presentation of ArchED / Coimbra, Portugal, 2018
At the meeting of the Board of Management dated January 17, 2013, it was decided to organize a meeting series with the theme of “Unforgettable”. The first guests of this project were valuable scientists and educators Prof. Dr. Özgönül AKSOY and Prof. Dr. Erdem AKSOY. The first of this meeting series aimed to be organized in order to commemorate them once more with their lives and personalities devoted to architectural education and science, with the contribution of their friends, colleagues and students.
In this context, for the commemoration of Prof. Dr. Özgönül AKSOY and Prof. Dr. Erdem AKSOY who were founders of the Department of Architecture at Karadeniz Technical University, it was decided to have panel sessions with a focus on their educational ideals, scientific approaches and social responsibility, along with visual presentations and a memoir book. It is aimed to create a more natural atmosphere where without any distinction between speakers and participants, all participants share their knowledge, thoughts and memories on AKSOYs’ scientist and educator aspects.
Our commemoration meeting took place on Friday, November 29, 2013 between 09.00-18.00 at ITU Faculty of Architecture, Taşkışla Building, hall 127, where Özgönül and Erdem AKSOY spent their student and assistantship years.
The event at Taşkışla where they spent their student and assistantship years, was realized in four sessions and Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer delivered the opening speech. Following the opening speech, Assoc. Prof. Türkan Ulusu Uraz on behalf of the association, Assoc. Prof. İlkay Maşat Özdemir as Vice Dean of Architecture Faculty of KTU and Assoc. Prof. Asu Aksoy on behalf of the family gave speeches.
Prof. Dr. Doğan Kuban, Prof.Dr. Afife Batur, Prof. Dr. Nigan Beyazıt, Prof. Dr. Süha Gürel, Prof. Dr. Yıldız Sey participated as speakers in the first panel session themed “ARCHITECTURE and EDUCATIONAL IDEALS'', which was directed by Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer. Prof. Dr. Erdal Aksugür, Prof. Dr. Şinasi Aydemir, Prof.Dr. Sonay Çevik, Prof. Dr. Orhan Kuntay, Öğr. Gör. Hasan Saltık participated as speakers in the second panel session themed “A NEW EDUCATION and DESIGNING THE LIVING SPACE”, which was directed by Prof.Dr. Yıldız Sey. Prof.Dr. Mustafa Kandil, Prof.Dr. Gencay Şaylan, Prof.Dr. Refik Toksöz, Doç. Dr. Türkan Ulusu Uraz, Dr. İzzet Göldeli participated as speakers in the third panel session themed “SCIENTIFIC IDEALS and UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES'', which was directed by Prof. Dr. Erdal Aksügür. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Koşaner, Feyyaz Kuğu, Recep Önal, Coşkun Karadeniz, Gülnaz Teymur participated as speakers in the fourth and the last panel session themed “DIFFERENT PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES and LIVES'', which was directed by Prof.Dr. Afife Batur.
Unforgettables: Prof. Dr. Özgönül / Erdem Aksoy Commemoration Meeting
Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Funda UZ, MimED brought together students with architects who are in the early years of their twenties, studied architecture in Taşkışla, enriched their own path through overseas experiences, activities chosen by their own will, at the beginning of their path but soon to be talked about through their original, creative work; for three semesters.
In the Spring Semester of 2011-2012, Kerem PİKER, Ali TAPTIK, Ali DUR, Zeynep BACINOĞLU, Orkun BEYDAĞI, Alper DERİNBOĞAZ, Hülya ERTAŞ, Sevince BAYRAK and Oral GÖKTAŞ contributed as guest speakers.
In its second semester, the event twenty-something.. continued in partnership with Creative Initiative and METU Faculty of Architecture. In Fall Semester of 2012-2013, Gökhan AKSOY, Meriç ÖNER, SCRA, Bilge KALFA, Gökçe ÇIBIK, Onat ÖKTEM, Orhan ERSAN, Ferhat HACIALİBEYOĞLU, Deniz DOKGÖZ contributed to the event.
In its third semester, the event twenty-something.. continued again in partnership with Creative Initiative and METU Faculty of Architecture. Cenk DERELİ, DIST Architects, İkikerebir Mimarlık, Onbir41, Bilge KALFA, Ziya İMREN, Gökçe ÇIBIK, Gökhan KINAYOĞLU contributed to the event.
age: twenty-something...
stajIstanbul program is organized as a 10 day internship/workshop consisting of seminars on Istanbul experiences, trips, case studies and concept study-workshops, open to the participation of students who have completed their 4th or 5th or 6th semesters of architectural education in institutions outside Istanbul. It was ensured that the program announcement reached the departments of architecture of universities outside Istanbul and to students of these universities via the department heads. The quota was limited to 20 students as the construction site visits were limited to 20 people for security reasons. For the application to the program, the applicants were asked to submit a letter of intent explaining their accomplishments in the architectural studios, their interest in architecture and reasons for applying the program and transcripts. The submissions were received via email ( Over thirty applications were received and the first 20 students who applied were selected to participate in the program. The students were notified via email and a letter sent to the Department Heads informing that the student was selected. For the construction site visits organized as part of the program, the health insurance of the students were asked to be ensured by the institution the students were affiliated with. For this purpose, the documents prepared by the institutions the students were affiliated with, and requested to be approved, were approved and were delivered to the students. After the students completed their health insurance procedures, they submitted the relevant document. Throughout the program, the students were provided free accomodation in ITU Gümüşsuyu Dormitory with the support of the ITU Rectorate. In addition, the means of transportation for the activities located in regions where public transportation is difficult, were carried out by the buses provided by the ITU Rectorate. stajIstanbul program was held twice, in 2012 and 2017.
achievement and service awards
Aiming to contribute to the visibility of the valuable lecturers and intellectuals who have made significant contributions to architectural education, the project of awarding “Outstanding Achievement” and “Outstanding Service” in Architectural Education was initiated by MimED in 2007 and continued at the 2009 Forum and 2011 MimED Project Awards for Architecture Students. MimED has given 3 outstanding achievement awards and 31 outstanding service awards so far.
Outstanding Achievement Award - 2007: Hülya YÜREKLİ
Outstanding Service Awards - 2007: Doğan KUBAN, Ruhi KAFESCİOĞLU, Ahmet KESKİN, Hande SUHER, Doğan ERGİNBAŞ, Gazenfer BEKEN, Abdullah SARI, Muzaffer SUDALI,Muammer ONAT, Gündüz GÖKÇE, Orhan ŞAHİNLER, Muhlis TÜRKMEN, Muhteşem GİRAY , Esat SUHER.
Outstanding Achievement Award - 2009: Hasan ŞENER
Outstanding Service Awards - 2009: Ayten ÇETİNER, Bülent ÖZER, Afife BATUR, Cevat ERDER, Erol KULAKSIZOĞLU, Doğan TUNA, Metin AHUNBAY, Leyla BAYTAR, Semra ÖGEL , Enis KORTAN, Latife GÜRER.
Outstanding Achievement Award - 2011: Ferhan YÜREKLİ
Outstanding Service Awards - 2011: Mine İNCEOĞLU, Necati İNCEOĞLU, Nigan BAYAZIT, Uğur ERKMAN, Gürhan TÜMER, Yıldız SEY, Şevki VANLI.
RIBA President's Medals 2010 Exhibition
“The RIBA President’s Medals 2010” Architecture Students Awards Exhibition, organized by the British Royal Architects Association [RIBA], was exhibited at the “IonMincu” Architecture and Urbanism University in Romania, and afterwards, in collaboration with ITU Faculty of Architecture and Architectural Education Association, at Taşkışla Building in 109 Hall, between January 26- February 26 2012.
Parallel to this exhibition, the projects of 2010-2011 Fall Semester Graduation Project Group A themed “Danube Delta Center for Advanced Studies” were also exhibited at ITU Taşkışla Building, in Hall 102.
MimED FORUM 4, Kayseri 2009
The fourth Architectural Education Forum, organized in collaboration with MimED and Erciyes University Faculty of Architecture, was held with the theme “Flexibility in Architectural Education” between 26-29 May 2009 at Erciyes University Faculty of Architecture in Kayseri. Iris Aravot (Israel Institute of Technology), İhsan Bilgin (Istanbul Bilgi University), Kim Dovey (University of Melbourne), Kojin Karatani (Tokyo), Aykut Köksal (Mimar Sinan University), Sharon Matthews (National Architectural Accrediting Board), Herman Neuckermans (Catholic University Leuven), Juhani Pallasmaa (Architect SAFA, Hon. FAIA), Uğur Tanyeli (Yıldız Technical University), Ferhan Yürekli (Istanbul Technical University), Conall O'Cathain (Queen's University, Belfast) participated as guest speakers in the forum.
MimED FORUM 3, İstanbul 2006
MimED Forum 3 was held on 15-17 November 2006 at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, with the theme "Global Architectural Education Area” carried out with titles “mobility”, “quality”, “cooperative studies”, “global studios, global lectures”, “global internship”.
MimED FORUM 2, KKTC 1998
MimED Forum 2 was held in 1998 at Eastern Mediterranean University, TRNC, with the theme "Architectural Education for the Third Millennium".
MimED FORUM 1, İstanbul 1997
MimED Forum 1 was held in 1997 at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture with the theme “Quality-Assurance- Accreditation”.